In explaining to my associate, Dr Louis Costello, school district financing in the urban areas can be demonstrated in the following example
Requiring change, I ask Dr. Costello if he has two tens for a five. He objects but I explain he is now ahead by five dollars
The state gives your community five thousand dollars for school aid for every twenty thousand you are required to pay in taxes. You are now ahead five thousand dollars and can use that money to reduce property tax values. Thus everyone wins.
The NJ State Supreme court has adopted my school funding program and it is now the law in NJ.
I am diligently working on other financial structures to further benefit our state. The governor and state legislature are solidly behind my efforts
I applaud the governor for raising the sales tax. In fact since Europe has sales taxes up to 25%, I think the governor and legislature should take the lead and raise the sales tax to at least 23%. This will enable additional state hiring, help to insure our public officials and servants are adequately compensate, provide free health care, free car, free vacations 100% pension (after 7 years of service), and protect us and our close associates from traffic laws that should only apply to those that are in the general public.